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Tuesday 7 December 2010

My Experience of Catch 22 so far

It's been 5 weeks since I joined the Catch 22 Academy in London's Bernie Grant Arts Centre and what a journey it's been, my life has completely changed!

Just 6 weeks ago I was working part time in my home-town of Bradford, cold calling people trying to get them to take advantage of the government grant for getting their homes insulated.
I was writing in my spare time and working in a school doing some pretty amazing art projects such as creating tape sculptures and Egyptian murals.

I applied for the course believing that I could achieve my ambitions if I put the effort in to what I really wanted in life. Within a week of my Catch 22 interview I came to London.

My first four days included attending the course and searching like crazy for a place to live. In fact the first Wednesday I came there was a tube strike which made my second day a challenge in just getting around! So I knew I had to find a place nearby - which I did on the Thursday but couldn't move in straight away, but at least I got that ticked off my list pretty quickly.

Catch 22 Magazine  gave me the tools to believe in myself. It can be scary to push yourself but you have to get round certain corners to progress and that started with me. This has been the best decision for me and even looking back, everything seems to make sense now.

Next I had to find a job; So the endless applications began...more on that next time.

Might be cliche but this song sums up my experience so far, I love Sam Tsui's covers: Sam Tsui "Don't Stop Believing"


  1. So proud of you!!! You are so have to get out of your own way! in LONDON..that is so exciting. I can't wait to read more of your experiences :D

    xxx FEE

  2. You've done really well so far hun and it just goes to show what great things can happen when we put our minds to it. Keep us updated on your journey in the big city! Take care and keep warm


  3. Great....I like the image you used 'Work in Progress' captures and relates to the post... :)
