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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

We are in a race between disaster and catastrophe

Today, someone I consider a friend, posted a few rants on facebook.

First she posted a link to a note that her friend had posted. The headline screamed MUSLIM DAY OUT IN ALTON TOWERS.

I read the note, there was no source, just an article stating that the day was planned in summer for a day of halal food at alton towers, prayer sections and segrating the sexes from going on rides together, and a quote from a 19 year old boy who wanted to go on that particular day, tried to book it and was refused because he was a non muslim.

I then read her post about the current government being wankers and racist to christian people.

A couple of her statements I remember read:-

'Can you imagine the muslim reaction if we demanded a day out?'

'The government are breaking the law, what about the Equality Act 2010?'

Then her friend added a reply. His profile picture depicted two drunken looking men {likely himself and a friend) red faced, one arm up, each with mouths open as if they were shouting. If I were to judge his picture I'd say they had ASBOs. He said, and I'm paraphrasing:-

"When you defend this country you get labelled a racist!" 

My friend replied to him to reassure him he's not racist in this case by speaking out. His response was?

(That is not paraphrased. I have censored -  although, he did not)

I decided to google this news story. Firstly, it was from 2006, secondly it was organistion that had created a promotional event called 'Muslim Day Out in Alton Towers'. Other people were welcome at alton towers on the day, but would have to adhere to the segregated rides and halal food which I agree is unfair - religion should not be enforced upon anyone.

But the Muslim community certainly weren't demanding a 'Muslim Day,' organising it, or even attending it! The group who were obviously trying to promote themselves and cause a stir couldn't even shift 1,000 tickets and it ended up cancelled - I know this, because the Sun were so interested in following up on the story. I didn't read the full conclusion but I'm sure they encouraged their readers it was down to them the day out didn't happen.

I disagree.

I believe that is a good representation of the Muslim community in Britain. There are only a few idiots (as in any class, creed, gender, religion, race, country etc etc...)  and unfortunately they draw the media attention and we all should understand there is an underlying reason for that. We think we have a free media, but hopefully the recent Rupert Murdoch scandal will wake up any zombies who believe they're being told everything objectively.

It's interesting that this occurred today. Just yesterday I began this blog completely differently. I was shocked to hear that pop star Kelis rant on twitter about experiencing racism at one of the London airports, here is her account:
"We just landed and I had the midget (her son) with me. We get in the passport control line and apparently pissed this one man off cause he thought I cut the line. Which wouldn't be far fetched of me but this time I actually didn't (not entirely anyway) well the point is from 0 to 60 This fat red faced sweaty "man" (I use the word man loosely here) started calling me a slave and told me to call him sir and how I was Probably a disgusting Nigerian. He called me kunta kinte and ranted and raved some more.

The man behind the passport desk laughed, shook his head in agreement I guess, and said "kunta kinte". All the while the entire line full of people I just sat on a plane with for almost 3hours, over 50 people said nothing. I mean literally nothing. Didn't flinch. We all no I'm no saint, so I retaliated. Not the way I wanted to Or how that pig deserved. But #1 my gorgeous baby boy was literally sitting on my hip and #2 I'm a believer. And we are better. Sposed to be.

Anyway, it made me think. This person was aprox a 50 year old English man. I didn't say anything at the time of the riots in London. For a lot of reasons. But I am in lLondon all the time and today I'm gonna say that the racial issues in the UK are disgusting. It's racially decades behind progression because everything is swept under the rug. People don't talk about it. People don't fight about it. Not mentioning a problem doesn't make it go away. I bring it up now because as an American it is abundantly clear that my country has a Smorgas board (spelling?) of disgusting racial problems. We are the poster child for racial inequality even still with a black president But its NO SECRET! And that I can fight against. I can try to prepare and teach my son. Because its out there. But you can't fight for or against something no one is willing to talk about or even admit exist. Everyone wants to be politically correct. But who really cares? And what does that help. I could go on and on. I won't. But maybe someone will start to talk about it from here."
I think we should talk about things, I find my own experience of racism mainly at school subtle but definitely life changing. It affects my confidence and belief in my self worth. My friend is so upset that there is no Christian sort of day, when she's Catholic. Earlier this week she had posted an image of the UK map with block letters written over it: "FUCK OFF! WE'RE FULL" but forgets her grandfather came here from Ireland - but then again I'm unsure if it's Northern Ireland - technical issue there in my statement.

I got involved in the posts on my friend's page, I told her she's getting angry over something which happened in 2006, and her friend who says he isn't racist, is a racist.

She deleted my reply informing her to stop being incensed over something in 2006. She deleted her friend's comment, then she wrote me a message which didn't resolve any of my issues. She ignored that it was an old article and asked why the muslims think they can do this, but that' I'm a mate, so no offence.

I told her I was not impressed by the 'you're alright you are, no offence' response.  I said

If the Sun wrote this in today's paper (it is not online as a new story when I googled it) it sounds like they're rehashing an old story. Also that organisation whoever the f they are, are probably just trying to stir things to promote themselves. This organisation organised a day out in 2006, less than 1,000 muslim's bought tickets so it got cancelled so how the f do muslims get the blame? They didn't ask for it. I can't believe you fell for it.
I have to wonder about someone who doesn't open their mind to facts plus the same day I read an article on a young boy jailed for 'trolling'. Sean Duffy posted offensive videos and messages on tribute pages for a girl who committed suicide after being bullied. The boy who was jailed actually suffered from Aspergers syndrome which may have affected his judgement. I would be less shocked if my ex-associate had ranted about this issue because to me.

I have no problems with people who debate and keep an open mind to the truth.

It does make me question where I fit in when it comes to contributing to the media. I don't believe in vilifying a religion over a group's actions. Condemn the group!